HydraOne is an indoor experimental research and education platform for edge computing in the CAVs scenario. We build this hardware-software co-design platform from scratch based on our experience with the requirements of edge computing research problems. HydraOne is a full-stack platform for CAV including power system, chassis system, computing system, and communication system. We provides several out-of-the-box application demos for CAVs on HydraOne, which will help researchers and students fully understand the platform and take advantage of it to conduct research experiments. HydraOne is an open platform, in addition to the development model we provide, users can add new hardware/software resources on HydraOne, or access, analyze, and customize any resources on HydraOne.
The research problems for CAVs supported by HydraOne include but are not limited to:
@inproceedings {wang2019hydraone,
title = {{HydraOne:} An Indoor Experimental Research and Education Platform for {CAVs}},
author={Wang, Yifan and Liu, Liangkai and Zhang, Xingzhou and Shi, Weisong},
booktitle = {Proceedings of the 2nd {USENIX} Workshop on Hot Topics in Edge Computing (HotEdge 19)},
year = {2019},
address = {RENTON, WA},
publisher = {{USENIX} Association},