
Welcome to the 2nd Metro Detroit Workshop on Connected and Autonomous Driving (MetroCAD 2019).

With the burgeoning of Edge Computing and 5G technologies, we envision future vehicles will serve as a computing platform for a variety of services like advanced driver assistance system (ADAS), remote real-time diagnostics, on-board entertainment, and a variety of third-party services, such as public safety. To realize the vision of connected and autonomous driving, researchers and practitioners in the community have to address several challenges, such as communication systems, data analytics platforms, novel algorithms and applications, security, to name a few.

The Second Metro Detroit Workshop on Connected and Autonomous Driving aims to bring together the researchers and practitioners from Metro Detroit area to address core challenges with vehicle connectivity and autonomous driving. The goal is to discuss and exchange ideas in this area and stimulate the collaboration between academia and industry partners. The topics include, but are not limited to:

The workshop will include invited speakers, panels, presentations. Researchers and practitioners on connected cars, autonomous driving, transportation systems and ride-sharing platforms are welcome to participate.

Keynote Speakers

Dr. Samee Khan

National Science Foundation

Dr. Ryokichi Onishi

Principal Architect

Toyota InfoTech

Dr. Glenn Ricart

US Ignite - Next Generation Apps for America

Claes Valentin

Industry Managing Director

Automotive and Internet of Things, VMWare

Dr. Ruigang Yang

Director for the Robotics and Autonomous Driving Lab

Baidu Inc

Dr. Wende Zhang

Technical Fellow

General Motor

Program Chair

Dr. Weisong Shi

Director of the CAR Lab
